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To obtain a marriage license in Shelby County,Tennessee
both parties must appear in person.
The age requirement in Tennessee is as follows:

Over 20..... A Picture ID
18-20........ A Certified Birth Certificate
Under 18... Contact the license office for more information.

You must also have a social security card, or a legal passport

The license fee is $97.50 

($37.50 if you've had premarital counseling, and have a state affidavit from an accredited course provider)


Your Tennessee license is good for 30 days prior to your marriage.


You can obtain your license in The downtown area at:

150 Washington Avenue at the "Hall of Records"
Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM

or the Raleigh/Bartlett area at:
1075 Mullins Station (Old Shelby County Hospital)
Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

If you wish to contact the Marriage License Office by phone, the number is:  901-222-3015




You must have a valid, state-issued marriage license, in order to be legally married.




Performed by appointment, in an indoor, stained glass setting, in the heart of East Memphis.


Monday thru Friday

from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM;

Saturdays 10:00 AM - Noon


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